Saturday, March 22, 2014

The slow winter months

Oh, I can't even tell you how refreshing it is to have an expiration date.  And I don't mean and end date like I am dying, but a end of shelf date.  It's been a difficult winter.  No real job prospects to speak of and there was a second there when I thought my prospects for a summer job would be the same.  Cue one of my ":people" and I am off to Yellowstone National Park to be a Park Ranger Interpreter for the summer.  (expiration date May 11)  I haven't been a park ranger before so this is exciting and terrifying all at the same time.  Exciting for the reasons anyone would be excited.  Terrifying because I am so scared I am going to let my "person" down.  I love my "people".  They bail me out every time I need them.  I hope I always return the favor.
It will be hard to pack up from home and head off again but it will also be a relief.  At home I feel on guard all the time.  It's stressful to feel like you have to be a certain way.  It's hard to explain but maybe I can put it more plainly at another time.  Aahhh  In 6 weeks I pack up the car again to start off on another adventure....

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Wow, it's been a while

Ya...I'm back. Well, I never said I was a consistent blogger.  
Anyway, on to my thoughts.  You know how you ask people what's new in their life and they say, "Not much"?  And you look at them knowing there is some serious stuff going down but they are not quite ready to talk about it with you.  So you let the subject slide by and continue with comments about the weather and how the family is doing.  Well, the weather here is typical for the state of Washington and the family is doing fine...although we did lose my uncle last month.  (A year and a day after my aunt)  And you are wondering what else is new in my life?  Not much....