Monday, April 6, 2015

After my first full week

I'm exhausted.  Not really mentally but physically.  I remember feeling this way at the beginning of last summer.  I felt old.  I felt out of shape.  I was wondering what the hell I was doing here.
Last night I left Easter dinner a little earlier than the rest because I had worked all day.  It was my first full week back in the Visitors Center and I also gave a private walk up the hot spring terraces on Friday.  It felt like normal.  It felt great.  Today I feel like I have been hit by a train.  I feel old.  I feel out of shape.  But I know why I'm here.  Oh, and the family loved my terrace walk!  Yay!
My mind is's telling me to go take the garbage out, wash the dishes, take a shower, read for my summer programs, go take a hike, etc...  And all I can muster is to lay in bed, drink my coffee, and listen to this bird singing outside my window.  I've even been wondering why my wrists hurt.  It's not like I've been typing a lot or anything...and it finally dawned on me.  I have put up and taken down the flag probably every day this week.  I like doing it.  I don't mind at all.  But apparently the hoisting up and down of a flag is serious business.  There is a webcam set up on the area too so I have to make sure I'm very professional and respectful while doing so.  The flag usually goes up between 845am and 9am Mountain time.  It gets taken down between 450pm and 515pm Mountain time.  At least until the Visitors Center hours change.  There are other webcams where you can see the Mammoth Hot Springs are but you are less likely to see any ranger activity unless we make a point of getting in front of it.  (just click on the area you want to look at)
So, the interesting thing for this week is that it is suppose to snow....all week.  Nothing too crazy, just flurries. Continuous flurries.  I really should have ordered more warm ranger clothes when I finally figured out my password to order more uniform pieces.  It's ok though.  I will manage.  I just wish that I would have brought better lotion with me.  My skin feels like it is about to flake off due to the dry and cold.  Maybe if it doesn't snow too bad I will try getting up to Livingston for a massage.  That would be good and would probably solve more than one of my current issues.
I have also been thinking long and hard about my programs this summer.  Of course my terrace walk and talk are about the same.  The places they are to be given are different this year.  That will be a little adjustment.  Gotta study up more on the fort.  I love history so that shouldn't be a problem.  Keeping my snake program but I think I am going to create an owl program too.  And then  I'm switching up my night program to talk about how the local Native Americans utilized the Yellowstone area before contact and right around the time of contact.  Probably will focus more on the Sheepeaters but the whole Shoshone people fascinate me.  Well, I am off to concur my dishes and garbage.  I will leave you with more photos from the week.

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