Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Mild Crisis

     It amazes me who has your back when you need to call in favors.  Of course, my immediate family always seems to be there when I need help.  Some days I don't know where I would be if I didn't have my mom or brother to fall back on.  But when it's something that can't be handled within the immediate family, I am amazed at who steps forward to put bluntly...save my ass. 
     Today I was called by my old landlord to come and get some things I left at the apartment I had subleased to a friend.  My friend had given one week notice and moved out leaving my things in the closet of the apartment.  I am currently broke and living in Colorado.  My stuff is in New Mexico.  My friend never notified me that he was moving out so this came as quite the shocker.  Unfortunately, I didn't think I had anyone in the area that I knew well enough to go, get my stuff and store it for me until I could scrape up the money to fetch it.  So I did the only thing I could think of...had a freak out and posted on facebook that I need a huge favor from anyone still living in the small town that I went to graduate school in. 
My friend Sara, who actually graduated from my department suggested that I contact Katie.  Katie was a girl that I knew from school but not someone I thought would get my stuff and store it for me.  It's not that Katie and I were enemies.  I figured we were more of acquaintances and this was a big favor to ask of an acquaintance.  I contacted Katie anyway thinking she would probably say no, but instead she agreed to move my stuff out and put it in her storage unit until I could afford to come down and get it.  She also said that I shouldn't have thought twice about asking her.  She completely considered us friends even though we didn't hang out or talk much.  And to top it off, Katie hurt her foot and is walking around in a boot. 
     Right now, Katie is my hero.  I told her when I finally can afford to come down and get my stuff, dinner and drinks are on me.  It probably doesn't sound like a big deal to her.  A few hours of moving stuff on a Saturday is just time she doesn't have to worry about working out at a gym or being bored at home.  But it makes all the difference to me.   It's not a lot of stuff.  A few boxes, some blankets, clothes, and some camping gear all shoved into the bottom of a closet.  But it's my stuff.  And yes, I know I should have gotten to it sooner.  But, as we all know, life gets in the way sometimes and it's nice to know there are people out there that understand that and will bail you out when you call.