Thursday, December 27, 2012

You know, Christmas...

Well, I survived Christmas.  I feel that every holiday season. You either look forward to it or you survive it.  If you are looking forward to it, the holiday season can be the best time of the year.  You are with family and friends.  There is a tree, love, laughter, memories, etc..  If you are surviving it like I have for the last few years, you are away from family and possibly friends.  You usually have to work and deal with grumpy customers who are all pissed off because their vacation isn't going as planned and it is all your fault.

However, this was not the year for grumpy customers.  No one really got to me.  And then I came home and my roommate's mother had cooked my prepped turkey and offered me spiked eggnog.  I can honestly say for not being around the people I love the most, this day wasn't that bad.  I am one of those horrible people that always expects the worst.  I don't know what my problem is.  I guess It's just part of the Christmas season blues when I can't go home and be with my family.  Not that we do anything special or anything I just like hanging out watching movies with mom or having conversations with my siblings rather than trying to help them get adjusted to using Skype.  Do you know how hard it is to try and tell your 79 year old mother over Skype to uninstall/reinstall her webcam/microphone because the mic wasn't working?  And when you just grab your cell phone to get this horrible feedback sound.  I felt like I was trying to yell over the sound a guitar makes when you hold it too close to an amp.

Anyway, I love my mom.  She's actually quiet good with computers and cell phones.  I wish I was.  I'm still trying to figure out how to add pictures to this blog.  Oh wait, I just figured it out.  Now I wish I had a picture to post.  Ah, there's one.  Happy Holidays everyone!

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