Saturday, December 8, 2012


     This should be a short blog because I am extremely tired and just got off work.  But on my way home, while I kept my front wheel drive Saturn Vue at a steady 25 mph, I thought about how my view of snow has changed.  When I was little I prayed for snow.  Just like every other child in North America, snow meant a day off from school, snowmen and hanging out with friends.  If I was lucky I could go skiing whether it was cross country or downhill.  I loved the snow and all the freedom it gave. 
     Now, I'm not so sure.  I still love skiing.  And I guess I still love snow when it's my day off.  It makes the world all peaceful and quiet.  However, today I had to work and it's been dumping since 4pm.  (It's now midnight)  Oh, and did I mention that I live 17 miles from work on a street that is a giant, winding hill?  I guess I didn't do a lot of planning when I moved here.  I just thought, "Woohoo!  I'm gonna work in a ski town this winter!"  What I didn't think about was that it was probably a good idea to invest in snow tires.  I do have chains, just in case it gets any worse.  The plows are out, although at times it doesn't seem like they are doing much good.
     I guess in time I will get use to it and at the least I will become a better driver.  (At least in snow)  For now I will keep my speed down and lay off the break.  And it anyone speeds up behind me, they can feel free to go around because at the end of the day, I really do still love the snow.  I just don't want to drive in it.

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